Reimagining how technology can deepen our encounter with Jesus and the biblical story
BibleProject opened my eyes to the true beauty of the biblical story. Reading Scripture on its terms. Encountering Jesus in his context. Yet in personal study, most of us lack the skillset to experience that same beauty.
Even when resources exist, they're scattered and inaccessible in our moment of need. What if there was a place where you could have the giants of faith help you experience the beauty of the Bible without spending hours combing through old podcasts or searching for books?
Study as if you have 2,000 years of Spirit-driven wisdom sitting in the room with you. Not replacing human connection, but enhancing your personal study.
Our tools don't generate knowledge from general sources. They relay the wisdom of trusted, biblical sources—the sages who've wrestled with Scripture before us.
These are tools that should drive people to Jesus. If they're not serving that mission, we don't want them. People need love, not AI—we pray these tools help you know Love more deeply.
There's value in searching for answers. We don't want to take away this experience, which is why we recommend sources. We want you to dive deeper.
Imagine finding exactly what BibleProject said about a passage, instantly. No more "I know they talked about this somewhere..."
Help us create technology that brings people closer to Jesus and spreads Shalom in the world.